2010-10-30 - Cabin John Stream Valley Trail


~3.8 miles @ ~13 min/mi

On Saturday afternoon while daughter Gray is doing a rehearsal at the University of Maryland there's a gap in my schedule of errands—perfect to get in a trail run! I call Caren Jew who suggests the CJSVT, good terrain which we haven't tried for a while. She's already there when I arrive at the Democracy Blvd rec center rendezvous but claims to have been waiting only a few minutes. Northward we go, catching up on gossip and news as we pass random folks ambling along the blue -blazed trail. Caren insists on attacking the hills; I reveal unpublishable details of the recent 2010-10-09 - Andiamo 2010 and 2010-10-23 - Quad State Quad Buster. Back at the cars its 52 minutes later, just right for me to head for UM and pick Gray up.

^z - 2010-11-07